Wednesday, July 25, 2012

We've made it this far...

Whenever people ask my dad how he is doing his reply is, "Well, I've made it this far."  I think that this describes our journey and adventures in life very aptly.  We have had a vast array of experiences, some amazing, some horrific, but to encompass it all....We've made it this far.

As a brief introduction to us, we have 2 children with some severe medical issues.  One of the main things that we deal with on a constant basis is the fact that they can and do stop breathing at any time.  This is the most life threatening aspect of their condition, but there is so much more going on with their bodies that just don't work "right".  Despite being hooked to machines 24/7 (except for showers and such) they are highly intelligent, funny, outgoing, kind, friendly, generally happy kids. 

The hope is that we will be able to help them live life to the fullest extent possible, and enjoy all that life has to offer....good, bad, ugly and amazing. 

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